Definitions for the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions:

  • “User” – individuals or representatives of legal entities that use the Platform.
  • “General Terms” – the rules that the user of the Platform accepts when using the site.

The platform “” (the Platform) is owned by IVB EOOD, UIC 203641248, registered according to the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria (the Organization).

The platform and the information offered on it shall operate under the rules described below. The use of the Platform implies the unconditional acceptance of all listed conditions and rules. If the user does not agree with one or more of the rules for using the Platform, he has the right to refuse using it, otherwise – the acceptance of all conditions is automatically established.


4. The platform contains the most modern and established applications and security technologies that relate to the personal information of the user.

5. The organization does not guarantee the continued operation of the platform and is not liable for damages or lost profits resulting from temporary or permanent suspension of the platform.


6. The organization reserves the right to suspend access to certain material or the entire site for an unlimited period of time, planned or incidental, without liability for any damage to the user resulting from the suspension.

7. The Organization reserves the right to redirect the user to other pages on the Internet that are controlled by the Organization. In this case, the General Terms and Conditions set out in these pages will apply to the User.

8. The organization reserves the right to redirect the user to other pages on the Internet, which are owned and controlled by third parties. The organization has no control over the content of these pages, and therefore does not bear any responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, precision of the information contained in these sites.


9. The information published on the Platform should in no way be taken as an advice or consultation. Any actions of the user related to the protection of his rights and legitimate interests should be done after proper consultation with a specialist in the field.

10. The information provided to the Platform may be general or abstract. Its correct application in practice depends on the correctand professional qualification of many facts from the specific situation, which may not be described on the Platform. This is the reason why the Organization does not bear any responsibility in case the user applies the information in a different, more complex situation or a situation with specifics, as a result of which the user is harmed.

11.By sending materials or information to any of the servers used by the Organization, by e-mail or through the Platform, including, but not limited to, the user accepts that:

  • The materials and information in them do not contain anything that contradicts the applicable law or is in any way unsuitable for publication.
  • The user must use all appropriate means to detect and remove viruses, as well as any harmful or destructive similar elements and programs, before sending the materials and information to / with them.
  • The user owns the materials and information in them or has unlimited rights to provide them – The organization may publish them free of charge and / or use them or the ideas disclosed in them, in its products and services, without bearing financial or any other responsibility.


12. The Organization, collects / processes / stores personal datathrough the Platform. The Organization follows the rules of this document and the principles for handling personal data in accordance with the General Data ProtectionRegulation (EU Regulation 2016/679), described in detail in the Privacy Policy.


13. The platform collects data regarding site visits, which are described in detail in the Privacy Policy.


14. The information provided on the Platform is general and abstract. Its relevance / is monitored by the team of the Organization, but there may be omissions in terms of partial or even complete changes, including in the legislation. In case of discrepancies between the information provided on the site and the legislation in the Republic of Bulgaria or in the European Union, the user has the opportunity to contact the team of the Organization and indicate the discrepancy. The organization reserves the right to verify the submitted signal and, if necessary, to take action to eliminate the non-compliance.


15. The Organization reserves the right to change or renew the terms and conditions of the website, as and when deemed necessary. The General Terms and Conditions published on the Platform are considered current.


16. All information (articles, samples of documents and other materials)on the Platform is the intellectual property of the Organization and / or the authors in the team of the Organization. Its use is allowed according to the following rules:

  • Everyone is free to share any material with a link to their original source (the specific url page of the Platform);
  • By preserving each link in the given material;
  • With indication of the author;
  • With no modifications;
  • And for non-commercial usage.


17. The Organization shall ensure that sending messages to the User takes place only after an explicit request by the user through the special contact form. After the latter registers his e-mail address in the special contact form, the User agrees to receive notifications about the new materials published on the Platform and other up-to-date information about the project.

18. The User has the right at any time to refuse receiving messages through the e-newsletter of the Platform.

19. The organization reserves the right to contact the consumer for the purposes of inquiries or surveys related to the quality of the information provided.

  • The inquiries / surveys referred to in this point may be conducted both through some of the digital / online channels of the Organization in connection with the Platform, and in various other ways, including, but not limited to, brochures, newsletters, cards, questionnaires, sociological surveys, etc.
  • The purpose of the inquiries / surveys is to improve the materials provided on the Platform and the level of the project.

20. By using the Platform and the information in it, the user expresses his unconditional consent to these General Terms and Conditions, against which he receives the right to use the Platform free of charge for personal and non-commercial purposes.


HR management and consultations

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